Hello Tunes

Greet every caller with a song of your choice. Now when your friends call you , they will no longer have to hear that boring old tring tring. Instead, you can groove to the hottest new tracks on the music scene! Now you can make your friends listen to their favourite song everytime they call you. Play popular songs for as many friends as you like. Choose your song from Bollywood to International hits, whacky sounds to pure instrumental, and more. You can either set one common tune for all or customise a tune for specific callers like your wife or boss

Call 543211 from your mobile to select the song of your choice from our 60,000 + song collection. Else just choose a song from the menu in 'song- search' and call the direct access number listed against the song to get it as your hello tunes. You can also browse Hellotunes songs tollfree by dialing *678#

You are charged

Monthly Subscription: Rs 30
Download Charges / Song: Rs 15
Airtime chages Rs 3/min


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